Visiting a doctor can be quite stressful because you are concerned about the symptoms you are experiencing and the possible cause for the same. It can make you flustered, nervous and even angry.

When you visit the doctor, it is very likely that you have forgotten to ask many questions that you meant to and returned dissatisfied with the visit.

You get the feeling that the doctor’s appointment was a waste because you did not get the answers that you were looking for. The doctor was not able to diagnose the problem and had to request further investigation.

You also may not be convinced that the doctor is capable of handling your case and getting you better.

All these incidences are typical when you are not ready to visit the doctor.

For a successful doctor’s appointment, you need to prepare yourself for absolutely anything, but you must be mentally prepared for the worst-case scenario, but you must also prepare yourself to get the most out of the appointment that you have fixed with the doctor.

If you are keen on doing so, keep the following in mind:

Prepare a List of Questions

As you start sensing unfamiliar and uncomfortable symptoms, you must have had a lot of questions popping in your head.

Do not let them go unanswered. Before you meet the doctor, make a list of everything that is bothering you about your condition.

Note them all down so you can get the answers from the doctor. In a state of nervousness, it is possible that you might forget something important for you to ask.

Having a written list will help ensure that you have covered everything.

Share Every Small Detail

For a doctor to be able to assess your condition, they must know every detail about your condition. Something that may not seem significant to you could be instrumental in providing useful insights to your caregiver


Every symptom that is away from normal must be shared with the doctor. The doctor is not completely aware of your condition and might miss asking you about certain aspects of your health.

Volunteer all and any information to facilitate precision in diagnosis even without the doctor asking you for it specifically.

It could be symptoms related to your physical condition or an emotional disturbance like lack of sleep, mood swings, etc.

Ongoing Medications

To prescribe treatment, the doctor must know about all medication that you might be on at the time of the consultation. This includes any therapy, supplements, or alternative medicines as well.

Before you visit the doctor, recollect any kind of prescribed medication that you may have taken or any that you might be consuming on your own. Even tablets to help you digest food count towards this.

You may be unaware, but that could be impacting your health. Share the complete details including the frequency and the dosage of each.

Share your Concerns

Let the physician know about all your concerns. Do understand that no health concern is trivial. Your questions could be about anything, the possible causes, the treatment, alternatives, precautions and more.

Do not hesitate or fear humiliation. It is your body and health and you have every right to share concerns and ask questions about them.

Don’t visit the Doctor alone

When you visit the doctor, take a friend or family member alone. This provides you with emotional support. Other than that, it also proves useful to have someone else asking questions that you may not have thought of.

They can also help you in understanding and remembering the instructions given by the doctor. Any alterations to your life after diagnosis can be overwhelming and having someone along can help you get through it easier.

Repeat till you have got it Right

After having given detailed information to the doctor, it is now time to make note of the information received.

Make a note of all the doctor’s instructions, details about medication, any lifestyle changes you need to make, and any other precautions that you may need to take.

If you are not clear about anything, you may ask the doctor to repeat it. To confirm that you have understood it all, you too can relate it to the doctor and seek confirmation.

Do not forget to collect contact details in case of further questions or an emergency.

When you have prepared yourself for a doctor’s appointment, you can get the most out of it. The details mentioned above prove beneficial for the doctors and the patients alike and helps in better treatment.

Having everything in writing after the appointment, either by the patient or the doctor, makes it easy to refer at a future stage.

Both the parties have complete clarity on what the other has understood and they remain on the same page.