Raju Shahi is a tech blogger and digital marketer with several years of experience in the industry. He likes to help businesses stay informed and up to date with established and emerging technologies like ERP, IoT, AI, Cloud, and others...

Dental Veneers: Price, Lifespan, Maintenance

The veneers are stuck on the visible face of the anterior teeth to modify their color, their shape, their alignment … They respond to the requests of patients wishing to offer themselves or to find a nice smile by removing a minimum of tooth enamel.  Made to measure, ceramic veneers offer an interesting alternative to

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How to Prevent Head Lice Infestation?

Your kids at school will play, and your child’s play may include some things that can spread the head lice. But you can still take some steps that help you prevent the spread of lice in children and adults. Mostly, lice are spread by head-to-head contact. The spreading of lice is also possible by sharing

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Digitization: Road to Success in Your Pharma Business

Incumbent players, in the Pharma industry, have been pushed by competitors, foreign investors, and changing market dynamics to innovate and stay ahead of the curve. However, technology is driving change at an unprecedented pace. New players in the Pharma space are joining the bandwagon and posing challenges to already established players. To thrive, Pharma companies

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